The NSTA recognises that Bacton has the potential to establish itself as a low carbon hydrogen hub.

This would ensure Bacton remains a key regional energy hub, leveraging existing infrastructure and resource in the region to ensure its low carbon future.

To further understand what a low carbon future for Bacton will look like, the NSTA established five Special Interest Groups (SIGs): Hydrogen Demand, Hydrogen Supply, Infrastructure, Regulatory and Supply Chain and Technology.  Through a collaborative industry approach, they have been working to help demonstrate that a credible project exists and to catalyse the formation of a consortium that will develop and execute a Bacton Energy Plan.

Bacton map showing offshore on onshore interconnecting infrastruture

Bacton Energy Hub Business Opportunity Report

The Bacton Energy Hub Business Opportunity Report summarises the key findings from the five SIGs and outlines the business opportunity that could exist for a consortium to take forward the Bacton Energy Hub vision.

There is an oppertunity for a Bacton Hydrogen production hub to be quickly estabished providing a significant contribution to UK government targets for both Hydrogen production and CO2 capture by 2030.

Background to the Bacton Energy Hub Special Interest Groups (SIGs) and their reports