Analysis of UKCS Operating Costs in 2016 Operating costs (OPEX) in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) fell in 2016 in terms of both total OPEX and average unit operating cost (UOC), measured per barrel of oil equivalent (boe). Download
UKCS Production Efficiency in 2016 Production efficiency (PE) has risen for a fourth consecutive year, in 2016 it reached 73%, driving increased production in the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS) Download
UK Oil and Gas Reserves and Resources as at end 2019 The purpose of this annual report is to provide an estimate of the UKCS’s remaining recoverable petroleum resources. The Authority estimates that there remains in the range 10 to 20 billion barrels or more of oil equivalent (boe), including discovered and undiscovered petroleum resources Download
Undeveloped A5 data single 30th Licensing Round Data Support. A comprehensive data suite to support the licensing round has been prepared. It includes undeveloped discovery data packs, regional maps, ~ 60 discovery montages and seismic survey information. Download