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The Consents and Authorisations team is part of the Regulation directorate and prepare, authorise, and issue formal consents and authorisations to enable oil and gas fields to be developed and hydrocarbons produced. 

Development and production - Onshore

The Field Development Plan (FDP) is the support document for the NSTA’s development and production authorisations and should provide a brief description of the technical information on which the development is based.

Crown Estate interests

The following document details The Crown Estate Agreements including Leases, Licences, Agreements for Lease and Search Areas, overlaying UKCS Petroleum Licensing Blocks.

Area Plans

An Area Plan is a cross licence/ cross Hub collaborative framework to ensure economic recovery of oil and gas, whilst supporting the drive to net zero carbon by 2050, in a particular geographical area of the UKCS, based on the analysis of evidence.

Pipeline Works Authorisations

The Consents and Authorisations team is part of the Regulation directorate and prepare, authorise, and issue formal consents and authorisations to enable oil and gas fields to be developed and hydrocarbons produced. 

Transboundary fields

The development and operation of fields extending beyond the limits of the UKCS, or fields wholly on one or another Continental Shelf which require the development of new transboundary pipeline infrastructure or wells and control facilities.