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Technology Insights 2022 – Summary findings

NSTA analysis of data submitted in the annual stewardship survey and the Technology Plans allows delineation of emerging trends related to industry focus on technology across the asset lifecycle, technology maturity, sourcing of technology, supply chain engagement and operator technology spend.​

The move to net zero carbon

The NSTA is committed to helping the UK government reaching its goal of net zero emissions by 2050 and we have refreshed our core Strategy to integrate net zero and develop benchmarking to monitor emissions performance.

Licence assignments

As from 1 October 2016, the Energy Act 2016, and Regulations made under it, transferred certain functions from the Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change (now the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero) to the Oil and Gas Authority.


The Consents and Authorisations team is part of the Regulation directorate and prepare, authorise, and issue formal consents and authorisations to enable oil and gas fields to be developed and hydrocarbons produced.