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Seismic acquisition

In the 2015 and 2016 budget announcement, the NSTA received £20 million of funding from HM Treasury to support the acquisition and processing of new 2D seismic data in some of the underexplored areas of the UKCS. 


PON 7 and petroleum reporting is handled under the PPRS (Petroleum Production Reporting System) system. The submission guidance on this system describes the data requirements and format for the reporting of hydrocarbon production from offshore and onshore fields and terminals in the UK

OGA Plan
OGA Plan - Emissions Reduction

The OGA Plan on emissions reduction, which was published on 27 March 2024, sets out the NSTA’s requirements for how relevant persons can meet the Central Obligation, as set out in the Strategy, for Green House Gas (GHG) emissions reductions from oil and gas extraction.

Prioritisation criteria

When considering whether or not to take action using formal powers the NSTA will review that issue alongside its prioritisation criteria which can be found below: