Technology is recognised by the NSTA as a key enabler to achieve the Oil & Gas industry’s objectives on the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS)
The revised NSTA Strategy which came into force in February 2021 reaffirms the role of technology for maturation of hydrocarbon resources and expands that to delivery of net zero targets.
Specifically, the NSTA expects that industry will meets its obligations to deploy new, emerging and existing technology to optimum effect in delivering these goals and where appropriate encourage development of technology by industry to do so (Supporting Obligations 13 and 14, page 8)
Revised NSTA Strategy
- The NSTA engages with operators proactively through the Asset Stewardship processes, which include Stewardship Expectation SE08 focused on the application of technologies over the full asset lifecycle.
- SE08 requires Operators to submit information on their technology development and deployments, and the NSTA meets with them to confirm progress as well as testing that technologies are effectively used across the various phase of licence and asset lifecycle

We aim to create a diverse, high-performing team and be a great place to work, where employees are supported to develop their capability, in an organisation with simple processes and systems.

Asset Stewardship Strategy
The Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) was established to
regulate, influence and promote the UK oil and gas
industry, in conjunction with other regulatory authorities,
and has a range of powers to deliver this remit.

Stewardship SE08
The OGA expects that operators deploy existing technology where it generates MER UK benefits.

The technologies referred to in this report are for illustrative purposes only and other technologies may be available. The NSTA does not directly or indirectly endorse, recommend or guarantee any entity, product or technology referred to in this report.