Operators’ Technology Plans are reflecting industry priorities to reduce offshore greenhouse gas emissions.

Reduction of flaring and venting emissions are targeted, for instance, through technologies able to recover flash gas and/or improve flare combustion efficiency.

Operators are targeting power emissions through more efficient equipment, alternative low-carbon fuels, hybrid power systems, and/or replacing conventional power generation with renewable power from offshore windfarms or the shore.

Interest in carbon storage is growing rapidly and innovative technologies are needed in areas ranging from site characterisation, to well and facility design, and the Monitoring, Measurement and Verification of CO2 injection over the lifetime of the carbon store.

2024 technology survey data is showing an increase in the reporting of hydrogen production related technologies (3 Operators)

Net Zero technologies

In line with industry commitments to the North Sea Transition Deal to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions, interest in technologies to address Flaring & Venting, Energy Efficiency, and Low-Carbon Power has grown significantly

Companies with the largest operational footprint in the UKCS show greatest interest, but in general there is a broad presence of these technologies in the reported plans (23 Operators out of 50)

Net Zero is defined in this document as a ‘cross-cutting’ category, where technologies are an integral part of the offshore asset lifecycle (chart below)


Net Zero technologies by area of application

Net Zero technologies by area of application

Image description - Net Zero by category

Technology solutions for Net Zero tended to be less proven than in other more mature categories, but in the latest survey nearer half are reported at first deployment or still under development

Operators are getting more involved directly in the technology development cycle in this area, often in partnership with vendors and the Net Zero Technology Centre

Readiness definitions: Early Development (TRL 1-4), Late Development/Pilot (TRL 5-7), Early commercialisation (TRL 8), Proven (TRL 9)

Flaring & venting monitoring and reduction technologies are showing an increased focus as Operators align with achieving zero routine flaring, open reporting aligned with the principles of OGMP 2.0, and anticipating methane’s inclusion in UK ETS proving strong combined drivers.  Liquid ring compressors for flare gas recovery is noted. New this year are intelligent wireline formation testing programme, improved data search and classification of well information, and online flare combustion efficiency measurement.

UK Energy Technology Platform

Please click the link below to go to the UK Energy Technology Platform section page where the viewer can select more examples of technologies that can be considered.  

UK Energy Technology Platform2