The partial or full (determination) surrender of licensed acreage held under offshore or onshore production licences is processed through the UK Energy Portal using the PEARS User Guidance.
Further information on how to determine a production licence or surrender any part of the Licensed Area can be found here.
By very rare exception licence surrender and determination applications can be submitted using a licence surrender and determination form for each licence. Completed forms should be submitted to licence.relinquishments@nstauthority.co.uk
The surrender of acreage from a licence does not remove any company from a licence, even a company that is left with no beneficial interest under a JOA. The withdrawal of such a company must be implemented separately by an assignment.
To terminate an Offshore or Onshore exploration licence (see ‘Exploration licences’ heading here) please email approvals@nstauthority.co.uk
Relinquishment reporting
Relinquishment reports have been required on the relinquishment of all production licences issued since the 21st Round (offshore). In addition, the NSTA may request relinquishment reports on any full or partial relinquishment, including non-contiguous blocks in multi-block licences, and on relinquishment of a licence where a field has reached cessation of production (COP). Reports are also required for onshore production licences. The reports must comply with the guidelines for writing relinquishment reports (PDF, 303KB, 2 pages) and be submitted within three months of the Relinquishment Effective Date, to the following e-mail addresses: relinquishment.reports@nstauthority.co.uk for Offshore Licences and onshore@nstauthority.co.uk for Onshore Licences.
The NSTA relies on the operator to confirm all necessary permissions have been obtained from any person, group, or company that may own the intellectual priority (copyright) within any material to be published. Clearance for publication must cover items including seismic lines, reprocessed seismic data, extracts from commercial reports / maps / group-funded reports, maps, sections and well data.
Offshore Relinquishment Reports can be found here.
Onshore Relinquishment Reports are made available in the public domain on UKOGL under Industry Activity Reports .
Information and Samples Plans
An Information and Samples Plan must be submitted, and approved, by the NSTA before the effective date of the surrender of licensed acreage. Further guidance is available here.