We hold offshore and onshore petroleum licensing rounds, inviting applications from companies and making awards to those bids that promise to ensure economic recovery of the UK’s oil and gas resources, whilst supporting the drive to net zero carbon by 2050.
We also offer acreage offshore for carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licensing in support the Government’s targets to store 20-30MTPA of CO2 by 2030 as part of the decarbonisation of UK industrial emissions, and to support the UK’s journey to net zero emissions by 2050.
33rd Offshore Licensing Round
The 33rd UK Offshore Licensing Round officially opened on 7th October 2022 and closed for applications for licences on 12 January 2023.
The Licensing Round was formulated in compliance with the Climate Compatibility Checkpoint (CCC) which was published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (now the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero).
It was also written in light of the OGA Strategy which ‘requires industry to operate in a way consistent with net zero ambitions, lowering production emissions and making serious progress on the solutions that can contribute to the UK achieving net zero.’
On 13 October 2022 we announced that further Blocks were made available for offer. On the 30th October 2023 the NSTA announced the offer of 27 new licences and the merge of 6 blocks into 5 existing licences, in the first set of awards for the 33rd Round. On 31 January 2024 the NSTA announced the Tranche 2 awards for the 33rd Round, comprising of 24 new licences made up of 74 blocks/part block in the West of Shetlands, Northern North Sea and Central North Sea. On 3 May 2024 the NSTA announced the Tranche 3 awards for the 33rd Round, comprising of 31 new licences made up of 88 blocks/part blocks in the Central North Sea, East Irish Sea and the Southern North Sea.
On 24 May 2024 we offered a licence to Total Energies.
Licensing Round Information
33rd Offshore Licensing Round
The 33rd UK Offshore Licensing Round officially opened on 7th October 2022 and closed for applications for licences on 12 January 2023.
To encourage production as quickly as possible, the NSTA identified four priority cluster areas in the Southern North Sea, which have known hydrocarbons, are close to infrastructure and have the potential to be developed quickly - and will seek to license these ahead of others. Applicants were encouraged to bid for these areas so they can go into production as soon as possible.
The Licensing Round was formulated in compliance with the Climate Compatibility Checkpoint (CCC) which was published by the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy.
It was also written in light of the OGA Strategy which ‘requires industry to operate in a way consistent with net zero ambitions, lowering production emissions and making serious progress on the solutions that can contribute to the UK achieving net zero.’
On 13 October 2022 we announced that further Blocks were made available for offer. On the 30th October 2023 the NSTA announced the offer of 27 new licences and the merge of 6 blocks into 5 existing licences, in the first set of awards for the 33rd Round. On 31 January 2024 the NSTA announced the Tranche 2 awards for the 33rd Round, comprising of 24 new licences made up of 74 blocks/part block in the West of Shetlands, Northern North Sea and Central North Sea. On 3 May 2024 the NSTA announced the Tranche 3 awards for the 33rd Round, comprising of 31 new licences made up of 88 blocks/part blocks in the Central North Sea, East Irish Sea and the Southern North Sea
Licensing Round Information
The 33rd Offshore Licensing Round
Tranche 3 Offer of Awards
Tranche 3 Offer of Awards – Offer of Awards Maps
Tranche 3 Offer of Awards - Offer of Award Tables
- Table of potential awards by administrator
- Table of potential awards by block
- Contact details of companies offered licences
Tranche 2 Offer of Awards
Tranche 2 Offer of Awards – Offer of Awards Maps
Tranche 2 Offer of Awards - Offer of Award Tables
- Table of potential awards by administrator
- Table of potential awards by block
- Contact details of companies offered licences
Tranche 1 Offer of Awards
Tranche 1 Offer of Awards – Offer of Awards Maps
Tranche 1 Offer of Awards - Offer of Award Tables
- Table of potential awards by administrator
- Table of potential awards by block
- Contact details of companies offered licences
General information - pre-award stage
- Press Notice
- Announcement of additional Blocks on Offer (13 October)
- How the Licensing Round Works
- The Gazette notice (published in Edinburgh, Belfast and London Gazettes on 7 October 2022)
- List of offshore blocks on offer - Updated
- Questions and answers UPDATE 6/1/23
How to Apply
- General guidance and introduction
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application
- Guidance on the financial requirements to be used in the Round
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C)
- Entry point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY
Maps and Data
- Technical Summary Packs for Promoted Opportunities (via WebApp)
- 33rd Round Map of Blocks on Offer - Updated
- 33rd Round GIS Data for Blocks on Offer - Updated
- Southern North Sea; Priority Clusters
Environmental information
Other useful information
On 11th July 2019, the 32nd UK Offshore Licensing Round officially opened and we invited applications for licences. Applications were accepted up to 14.00 on the 12th November 2019 through the LARRY system on the Energy Portal.
On 3 September 2020, we offered for award 113 licence areas over 260 blocks or part-blocks to 65 companies in the 32nd Offshore Licensing Round.
The round offered blocks in mature, producing areas close to existing infrastructure, under the flexible terms of the Innovate Licence. This enables applicants to define a licence duration and phasing that will allow them to execute the optimal work programme. The majority of the licences will enter the Initial Term (Phase A or Phase B exploration stage), and 16 of the awards are for licences that will proceed straight to Second Term, either for potential developments, or re-developments of fields where production had ceased and the acreage had been relinquished.
Licensing Round Information
Offer of Awards Maps
Offer of Award Tables
- Table of potential awards by administrator
- Table of potential awards by block
- Contact details of companies offered licences in the 32nd Round
General information - pre-award stage
- Press notice at opening of round
- Invitation to apply in the Official Journal of the European Union
- Updated List of offshore blocks on offer
- UPDATE 23/8/19 Questions and answers
How to apply
- General guidance and introduction
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application
- Guidance on the financial requirements to be used in the Round
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C)
- Entry point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY
- Other regulatory issues
Maps and data
- 32nd Round data releases
- NSTA Open Data
- Prospects and Leads database from Relinquishment Reports
- Caister Murdoch System (CMS) Area 32nd Round Data Release Package
- SNS released megamerge 3D seismic data (available through the NDR which requires users to register)
Environmental Information
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- JNCC UK Marine Protected Areas
- UPDATED 32nd Licensing Round – Matrix of Blocks and conservation Sites
Other useful information
- The NSTA Data and insights
- The Crown Estate - Offshore Activity Maps
- The Crown Estate Scotland - Activity Maps
Cross-Border Opportunities
Applicants may be interested in offshore licensing rounds in jurisdictions that border the UKCS, which may offer opportunities for cross-border developments.
Contact us
General application enquiries
Email: Licensing_Round@nstauthority.co.uk
LARRY Queries - Portal Helpdesk
Tel: 0300 067 1682
Email: ukop@nstauthority.co.uk
On the 1st August 2019, we launched a restricted Out of Round offer for two blocks 3/24c & 3/29c, around the Northern North Sea Rhum Field.
Applications were be made via the LARRY system on the Energy Portal and followed the normal Licensing Round Application process. Please see attached Guidelines (below).
The offer was open for 90 days and closed at 2:00pm on 30th October 2019.
Licensing Round Information
Rhum Area Out of Round
How to Apply
- General guidance and introduction
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application
- Guidance on the financial requirements to be used in the Round
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C)
- Enter point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY
- Other regulatory issues
General Information
Environmental Information
Other useful information
We offered for award 4 licences to 3 companies in the 2019 31st Supplementary Offshore Licensing Round, which closed for applications in May 2019.
Eleven blocks were originally on offer in this Supplementary Round which was focussed in the Greater Buchan Area of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS).
This was the first time we linked a licence round offer with an Area Plan and the application process included the requirement for applicants to demonstrate their wider area plan development concepts and to seek to collaborate with other area licensees and applicants.
The round offered blocks under flexible terms, enabling applicants to define a licence duration and phasing that will allow them to execute the optimal MER UK work programme.
In all, 4 applications covering 5 blocks were received and we are now ready to make offers of award in respect of 4 licences covering the 5 blocks.
Two of the awards are for work programmes that will proceed straight to Second Term, either for potential developments, or re-developments of fields where production had ceased and the acreage had been relinquished. The remainder of the licences will enter the Initial Term (exploration stage).
Scott Robertson, CNS Area manager, said: “From bringing together interested parties at an early stage to releasing extensive digital data in advance of the licence round, we sought to facilitate a common understanding and industry collaboration. The resulting commendable level of engagement between operators and high quality applications enabled us to make awards confident that the right assets are going to be in the right hands to deliver the optimal MER development of the Greater Buchan area. We look forward to working with the awardees as they deliver on their work programs and commitments and to exploit the opportunities to re-purpose and sustain existing infrastructure.”
We fully support the transition to a low carbon economy. Government forecasts show that oil and gas will remain an important part of our energy mix for the foreseeable future, and maximising economic recovery from the UKCS is therefore vital to meet our energy demands and reduce reliance on imports.
Licensing Round Information
31st Supplementary Licensing Round information
Offer of Awards
- Offer of awards announcement
- Revised 31st Supplementary Round - potential awards by block
- 31st Supplementary Round - potential awards map
Historical Application stage information
How to Apply
- General guidance and introduction
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application
- Guidance on the financial requirements to be used in the Round
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C)
- Enter point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY
- Other regulatory issues
General Information
- Press Release
- Industry Engagement Session - presentation
- Q+A from Industry Engagement Session
- Invitation to apply in the Official Journal of the European Union
- List of offshore blocks on offer
- Questions and answers [contains an important update in relation to the Financial Information page on the LARRY system]
Environmental Information
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- 31st Supplementary Licensing Round – Matrix of Blocks and Conservation Sites
Other useful information
Contact us
Alistair Macfarlane
Business Development Manager - Central North Sea
Tel: 0300 020 1092
Email: alistair.macfarlane@nstauthority.co.uk
LARRY Queries – Portal Helpdesk
Tel: 0300 067 1682
Email: ukop@nstauthority.co.uk
On 10th July 2018, we invited applications for licences in the 31st Offshore Licensing Round. Applications were accepted up to 14.00 on the 7th November 2018 through the LARRY system on the Energy Portal.
The Round attracted 36 applications covering 164 blocks in frontier areas of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS). For full details on the applications received please see the related Press Release.
On 4 June 2019, we offered for award 37 licence areas over 141 blocks or part-blocks to 30 companies in the 31st Offshore Licensing Round.
These successful awards act as a strong platform for future exploration and production in frontier areas of the UK Continental Shelf (UKCS) in the Faroe-Shetland Basin, Moray Firth, East Irish Sea, East Shetland Platform, Mid North Sea High and English Channel.
A number of proposed new work programmes have been secured in this round, including new shoot seismic acquisition, with two licences progressing straight to field development planning (second term licences).
Overall, the awards have been offered to a broad spectrum of companies; with super-majors expanding their footprint and new entrant companies investing for the first time.
Licensing Round Information
31st Offshore Licensing Round information and resources
General information
Offer of awards maps
- Central North Sea North
- Central North Sea South
- Northern North Sea WOS
- Southern North Sea
- Irish Sea
- Shapefiles
Offer of awards tables
- Table of potential awards by Administrator
- Table of potential awards by block
- Contact details of companies offered licences in the 31st Round
Other information
- Press notice at close of round
- Press notice
- Invitation to apply in the Official Journal of the European Union
- List of offshore blocks on offer
- Questions and answers [note the latest update contains an important update in relation to the Financial Information page on the LARRY system]
How to apply
- General guidance and introduction
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application
- Guidance on the financial requirements to be used in the Round
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C)
- Enter point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY
- Other regulatory issues
Environmental Information
Other useful information
Cross-Border Opportunities
Applicants may be interested in offshore licensing rounds in jurisdictions that border the UKCS, which may offer opportunities for cross-border developments.
- Cross-border Opportunities - Faroes/UK
- Ireland (open door in Celtic Sea)
- Denmark 8th Round
- Netherlands (open door)
Guidance on cross-border developments
Contact us
LARRY Queries – Portal Helpdesk
Tel: 0300 067 1682
Email: ukop@nstauthority.co.uk
On 25 July 2017, we invited applications for licences in the 30th Offshore Licensing Round. The round closed for applications on 21 November 2017. On 23 May 2018 we announced the offer of awards in the 30th Offshore Licensing Round.
Licensing Round Information
30th Offshore Licensing Round information and resources
General Information
- Press Notice: Opening of 30th Offshore Licensing Round
- Press Notice: Data Release in support of 30th Round
- Potential awards in the 30th Round - by Administrator
- Potential awards in the 30th Round - by Block
- Winning marks - by Block
- Contact details of companies offered licences in the 30th Round
- NNS Potential awards map
- CNS (N) Potential awards map
- CNS (S) Potential awards map
- SNS Potential awards map
- WoS Potential awards map
- EIS Potential awards map
- Shapefiles
How to Apply
- General guidance and introduction
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application
- The financial requirements to be used in the 30th Offshore Licensing Round
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C)
- Enter point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY
- Other regulatory issues
- Model Clauses to be applied to licences issued in the 30th Licensing Round
- Questions and answers
- Marks Scheme Reference Sheet
- Interactive Map of Offshore Licences and Blocks
- Relinquishment reports
- Undeveloped Discoveries
- Exploration Data Packages
Environmental Information
Other useful information
Cross-border opportunities
Applicants may be interested in offshore licensing rounds in jurisdictions that border the UKCS, which may offer opportunities for cross-border developments.
Guidance on cross-border developments
Data Room
Undeveloped Discoveries
Technology Forum - 22 August 2017
Contact us:
Jen Brzozowska Tel: 0300 067 1603 Email: jen.brzozowska@nstauthority.co.uk
Ricki Kiff Tel: 0300 067 1637 Email: ricki.kiff@nstauthority.co.uk
LARRY Queries – Portal Helpdesk Tel: 0300 067 1682 Email: ukop@nstauthority.co.uk
On 27 July 2016, we invited applications for licences in the 29th Offshore Licensing Round. The Round closed on 26 October 2016. On
Licensing Round Information
29th Offshore Licensing Round information and resources
- Potential awards in the 29th Round - by Administrator
- Potential awards in the 29th Round - by Block
- Winning marks - by Block
- Contact details of companies offered licences in the 29th Round
- West of Scotland potential awards map (PDF, 393KB, 1 page)
- Northern North Sea potential awards map (PDF, 266KB, 1 page)
- Mid North Sea High potential awards map (PDF, 337KB, 1 page)
- Shapefiles
How to apply
- Invitation to apply in the Official Journal of the European Union
- General guidance and introduction (PDF, 1000KB, 17 pages)
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application (PDF, 440KB, 12 pages)
- Guidance about the financial aspects of any application (PDF, 200KB, 11 pages)
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C) (PDF, 133KB, 7 pages)
- Enter point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY (PDF, 2.81MB, 43 pages)
Environmental Information
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Matrix of blocks and conservation sites (PDF, 1.48MB, 194 pages)
Other useful information
- Discoveries and COP fields in Open Acreage (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 10.5KB)
- The Crown Estate interests
- Information on levels of shipping activity (PDF, 39.9KB, 6 pages)
Contact us
Jen Brzozowska
Tel: 0300 067 1603
Email: jen.brzozowska@nstauthority.co.uk
Ricki Kiff
Tel: 0300 067 1637
Email: ricki.kiff@nstauthority.co.uk
LARRY Queries – Portal Helpdesk
Tel: 0300 067 1682
Email: ukop@nstauthority.co.uk
On 6 December 2016, we invited applications for licences in the Offshore 2016 Supplementary Round.
Licensing Round Information
2016 Offshore Supplementary Round information and resources
General information
- Potential awards in the Supplementary Round - by Block
- Winning Marks - by Block
- Contact details of companies offered licences in the awards in the 2016 Supplementary Round
How to apply
- Invitation to apply in the Official Journal of the European Union
- Guidance for Production Licence applicants (PDF, 447KB, 16 pages)
- Guidance about the technical aspects of any application (PDF, 440KB, 12 pages)
- Guidance about the financial aspects of any application (PDF, 200KB, 11 pages)
- Safety and environmental issues licensing and operatorship guidance (Appendix C)
- Enter point/register to use LARRY
- Guidance about the use of LARRY (PDF, 2.81MB, 43 pages)
Environmental Information
- Strategic Environmental Assessment
- Matrix of blocks and conservation sites (PDF, 1.48MB, 194 pages)
Other useful information
- Discoveries and COP fields in Open Acreage (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 10.5KB)
- The Crown Estate interests
- Information on levels of shipping activity (PDF, 39.9KB, 6 pages)
Contact us
Jen Brzozowska
Tel: 0300 067 1603
Email: jen.brzozowska@nstauthority.co.uk
Ricki Kiff
Tel: 0300 067 1637
Email: ricki.kiff@nstauthority.co.uk
LARRY Queries – Portal Helpdesk
Tel: 0300 067 1682
Email: ukop@nstauthority.co.uk
On 6 November 2014, we invited applications for licences in the 28th Offshore Licensing Round.
Licensing Round Information
28th Offshore Licensing Round information and resources
General information
Awards: Second tranche
- Potential awards in the 28th Round - by Administrator (MS Excel Spreadsheet,13.9KB)
- Potential awards in the 28th Round - by Block (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 14.1KB)
- 28th Round second tranche of award company contacts (MS Excel Spreadsheet,12.9KB)
Awards: First tranche
- Potential awards in the 28th Round - by Administrator (MS Excel Spreadsheet,20.3KB)
- Potential awards in the 28th Round - by Block (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 20.2KB)
- Winning marks - by Block (PDF, 1.41MB, 7 pages)
- Contact details of companies offered licences in the 28th Round (PDF, 131KB, 2 pages)
- West of Shetlands Area (PDF, 232KB, 1 page)
- Northern North Sea Area (PDF, 242KB, 1 page)
- North Sea Southern Area (PDF, 218KB, 1 page)
- North Channel and Morecambe Bay (PDF, 310KB, 1 page)
- South West Approaches (PDF, 331KB, 1 page)
- West of Shetlands Area (PDF, 226KB, 1 page)
- North Sea Northern Area (PDF, 221KB, 1 page)
- North Sea Central Area (PDF, 302KB, 1 page)
- North Sea Southern Area (PDF, 276KB, 1 page)
- English Channel (PDF, 279KB, 1 page)
- North Channel and Morecambe Bay (PDF, 310KB, 1 page)
- West of Hebrides Area (PDF, 212KB, 1 page)
Environmental information
Contact us
Jen Brzozowska
Tel: 0300 068 6030
Email: jen.brzozowska@nstauthority.co.uk
Ricki Kiff
Tel: 0300 068 6042
Email: ricki.kiff@nstauthority.co.uk
English Channel Carbon Storage Applications
On 30th April 2024, the NSTA opened a competitive process inviting applications for Carbon Dioxide Appraisal and Storage Licences in an area in the English Channel. These licences grant exclusive rights for the exploration and appraisal of potential storage sites for carbon dioxide in the subsurface. Applicants had to note their interest in submitting an application within the first two weeks of the process, and had to submit applications by Wednesday 5th June 2024.
The NSTA will subsequently undertake technical evaluations of applications received, and OPRED will make an Appropriate Assessment under the Habitats Regulations. Full information on the process can be found below.
Licensing round information
General Information
How to Apply
- Guidance on the application for a Carbon Dioxide Appraisal and Storage Licence
- Licence application form
- SFTP site (instructions are contained with the licence application guidance)
- Financial guidance
Other Useful Information
Contact Us:
General application queries should be sent to Offshore.Exploration@nstauthority.co.uk
The window for the NSTA to receive nominations for carbon dioxide appraisal and storage licence areas closed on Friday 13th May 2022. Following consideration of nominations received, on 14th June 2022 the NSTA launched a carbon storage licensing round, inviting applications for a number of areas across the UKCS including the Northern North Sea, Central North Sea, East Irish Sea and Southern North Sea. Applications for the carbon storage licensing round closed at 13:00 BST on 13th September 2022. On 18 May 2023 the NSTA offered for award 21 carbon storage licences at offshore sites. Information on the round can be found below.
Award of Licences
Update on number of applications received
General Information – pre-award stage
- Press notice
- Public notice announcing the launch of the Carbon Dioxide Appraisal and Storage Licensing Round
How to Apply
- Guidance on the application for a Carbon Dioxide Appraisal and Storage Licence
- Licence application form
- SFTP site (instructions are contained with the licence application guidance)
- Financial guidance
Maps and Data
- Shapefiles and co-ordinates of areas offered for applications
- Webapp
- Technical Study - Measurement, Monitoring and Verification of CCS Projects with Co-Location considerations
The NSTA provided updated Q&A here throughout the licence application process. Last Update 9 September 2022.
Other Useful Information
Contact Us:
General application queries should be sent to Offshore.Exploration@nstauthority.co.uk
14th Onshore Licensing Round
On 17 December 2015, we announced that licences for a total of 159 blocks were formally offered to successful applicants under the 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round.
The 14th Onshore Oil and Gas Licensing Round was launched on 28 July 2014 and closed on 28 October 2014. A total of 95 applications were received from 47 companies covering 295 Ordnance Survey Blocks. Following scrutiny of the applicants’ competency, financial viability, environmental awareness and geotechnical analysis, and following the decision not to award licences in Scotland and Wales, 159 blocks were taken forward for further consideration.
In August 2015, the OGA announced its intention to offer licences covering 27 blocks. These blocks did not require further environmental assessment under the Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (the Habitats Regulations). At this time, the OGA launched a consultation relating to a further 132 blocks that were subjected to further detailed assessment in accordance with the Habitats Regulations, and a public consultation on that assessment was carried out. Following the conclusion of the consultation process, the OGA is now satisfied that the approval of the 14th Licensing Round, and the award of each of the licences under the Round, will not have an adverse effect on the integrity of any protected European site. As a result, the OGA is offering licences for a total of 159 blocks. For 75 of these blocks, the licence will contain a condition that prohibits all or specific activities in parts of the block.
General information
- Press notice
- Invitation to apply in the Official Journal of the European Union
- Questions and answers on application - (updated 07/10/2014) (PDF, 273KB, 10 pages)
Successful applicants
- 14th Onshore Licensing Round Offers by Operator (MS Excel Spreadsheet, 24.9KB)
- Map showing blocks offered under 14th Onshore Licensing Round (PDF, 1.18MB, 1 page)
- Interactive map
- Map of the Landward acreage on offer (PDF, 1.12MB, 1 page)
- Shape Files of the Landward acreage on offer
Guidance and technical information
- Model Clauses (Terms and Conditions) to be included in Licences
- Onshore geotechnical data
- UK Onshore Geophysical Library
- Guidance about the Environmental aspects of any application (14R) (PDF, 325KB, 4 pages)
- Guidance about the Technical aspects of any application (14R) (PDF, 450KB, 12 pages)
- General financial guidance
Environmental issues
View past Licencing Rounds here: