The Consents and Authorisations team prepare and issue formal consents which permit licensees to undertake specific offshore activities in connection with oil and gas development and production, carbon capture and hydrogen operations.

Development and Production

Under the Model Clauses in the licence, licensees are required to obtain authorisation from the NSTA to install platforms, associated infrastructure and produce hydrocarbons; this takes form of a Development and Production consent.

Flaring and Venting

The NSTA is the regulator for flaring and venting under the Energy Act 1976 (as amended by the Energy Act 2016) and the Petroleum Act 1998. This legislation requires consents to be in place for the flaring and venting of hydrocarbons during production operations. The consent is applied for and issued to the field operator.


The NSTA is the UK regulator for authorising the construction and use of oil and gas, Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen pipelines on the United Kingdom Continental Shelf (UKCS), under Part 3 of the Petroleum Act 1998.

A Pipeline Works Authorisation (PWA) is required to install and commission pipelines (which has a broad definition) associated with a new field or storage area.

Every pipeline has a Holder, User, Operator and Owner associated to it.

Variations to the initial PWA are made via subsequent applications (Category 1 or 2) to enable the further installation, modification or removal of pipelines within the original PWA. A separate consent is required for deposits (gravel, mattresses etc) to be laid on the seabed to stabilise or protect a pipeline.

Where fields have ceased production, consents are required for Decommissioning related activities or re-use.

Further information on the above can be found below:

Prior to submission of an application

We recommend that, the prospective applicant informally consults with the NSTA Consents and Authorisations team, the Health and Safety Executive and DESNZ EMT at the earliest possible opportunity, to discuss the proposed scheme and the associated regulatory requirements.

NSTA Consents contacts

North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA) 
3rd Floor
1 Marischal Square
Broad Street
AB10 1BL

PWA Pipeline general enquiries

Pipeline policy

Well Consents

DESNZ contacts

Environmental Management

Offshore Decommissioning