Number | Purpose |
PON 3 | Damage to submarine telecommunications cables and plant |
PON 4 | The paper application for consent to drill is now withdrawn. Guidance on drilling consents can be seen here |
PON 5 | The paper application to abandon or temporarily abandon a well is now withdrawn. Guidance on abandonment and suspension consents can be seen here |
PON 6 | Measurement of petroleum |
PON 7 | Reporting of petroleum production |
PON 8 | The paper application to complete and/or workover a well is now withdrawn. Guidance on well completions can be seen here |
PON 9 | Information and sample requirements for offshore surveys and wells under seaward licence terms |
PON 9b | Record and sample requirements for onshore surveys and wells |
PON 12 | Well numbering system |
PON 13 | The paper applications for consent to drill or re-enter HP/HT exploration and appraisal wells are now withdrawn. Guidance on well consents can be seen here |
PON 14b | Notification of intention to carry out onshore landward) geophysical surveys; |
The information previously submitted through PONs 4, 5, 8 and 13 is now submitted through the Energy Portal via the Well Operations Notification System (WONS).
Guidance on the legislative requirements for consent to drill and conduct other activities on a well