The licensee must provide the NSTA with any information that they may ask for and the NSTA require copies of data acquired.
Comprehensive details on the reporting requirements are highlighted below.
The NSTA Guidance on the Onshore Regulatory Regime, which consolidates previously available guidance, sets out how the NSTA will normally consider stated matters and is not a substitute for any regulation or law and is not legal advice.
Reporting Requirements
The licensee must provide the NSTA with any information that they may ask for and the NSTA require copies of data acquired. Historically this guidance was set out in a list of Petroleum Operations Notices (PONS), and although some only relate to offshore operations, some are still relevant to onshore. These are:
PON 4 - Application for consent to drill exploration, appraisal, and development wells (this is now integrated into WONS)
PON 5 - Application to abandon or temporarily abandon a well (this is now integrated into WONS)
PON 6 - Measurement of petroleum
PON 7 - Reporting of petroleum production (this is now PPRS)
PON 8 - Application to complete and/or workover a well (this is now integrated into WONS)
PON 9b - Record and sample requirements for onshore surveys and wells
PON 12 - Well numbering system
PON 14b - Notification of intention to carry out (onshore landward) geophysical surveys