The Carboniferous Bowland Shale gas study: geology and resource estimation
Click on the items on the left to dowload.
Bowland Shale Gas Study – Main Report PDF - 5mb
Bowland Shale Gas Study – Appendices A, B, C, E PDF - 4mb
Bowland Shale Gas Study – Appendices D PDF - 11mb
Bowland Shale High Resolution Figures 1 to 18 PDF - 14mb
Bowland Shale High Resolution Figures 19 to 44 PDF - 16mb
Bowland Shale Gas Study Cross Sections PDF - 19mb
Bowland Shale Gas Study – Media Summary PDF - 633kb
Resources vs Reserves – Note PDF - 89kb
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Shapefiles and geodatabase
Shapefiles and geodatabase for the Mature Bowland Shale areas