Weald Basin Jurassic shale study: geology and resource estimation
Click on items on the left to download.
Weald Basin Jurassic Shale Study – Main Report PDF - 25mb
Weald Basin Jurassic Shale Study – Main Report (low res) PDF - 4mb
Appendix A B C, D & E. Resource estimation, Geochemical, Mineralogical, TOC and Stratigraphic analyses from wells in the Weald PDF - 18mb
Appendix F. Detailed correlation of Jurassic strata between selected key wells in the Weald PDF - 12mb
Appendix G. Large-scale copies of figures PDF - 24mb
Weald Basin Jurassic Shale Study Cross Sections PDF - 17mb
Weald Basin Jurassic Shale Study – Media Summary PDF - 534kb
Resources vs Reserves – Note PDF - 89kb
Click on items on the left to download.
Shapefiles and geodatabase
Shapefiles and geodatabase for Weald Basin Jurassic Shale areas