Well and Installation Operator Service (WIOS) is now fully operational on the Energy Portal
Licensees can view appointments and submit well and/or installation operator nominations via WIOS and integration with WONS consenting processes is now in place.
The new Energy Portal service includes the following features:
- A reliable System of Record (SoR), accessible to the The North Sea Transition Authority (NSTA), the Offshore Major Accident Regulator (OMAR), and industry.
- Portal-based submission of well and installation operator appointment nominations
- Integration with WONS
WIOS will reduce the administrative burden on both licensees and regulatory bodies, while significantly improving confidence that well and installation operators are suitably qualified and properly appointed.
The NSTA have today published guidance which provides an overview of WIOS’ features, how to view current OSD operators’ appointments and nominate new OSD operators
Download the guidance