On 7 November 2018, the Oil and Gas Authority (OGA) published an updated Meetings Statutory Notice.
The Energy Act 2016 gives the OGA the power to attend and participate in certain ‘relevant’ external meetings (including videoconferences and teleconferences) between different companies operating in the UK continental shelf.
This power is not about intervening in everyday conversations or attending internal meetings and the purpose of the Notice is to limit the meetings to which the obligations on industry apply.
The Act obliges industry to inform the OGA in advance of these meetings, provide it with documentation and, if the OGA does not attend, provide it with a written summary of the relevant parts of the meeting.
The main changes to this Notice from version 2.1 December 2017 are:
- The way in which the OGA limits meetings, specifically in relation to Operating Committee Meetings (OCM) and Technical Committee Meetings (TCM), is by listing assets where the obligations would apply. Those assets were identified in the OGA’s Opportunity Matrix. However, the Opportunity Matrix is no longer used to identify areas for the development of Priority Area Plans. Consequently, the scope of the Notice for such meetings will now be by reference to Priority Area Plans and listed in the Notice.
- The list of assets has been updated to reflect this change. Priority Area Plans are shown in the OGA Overview 2018. See link: https://www.nstauthority.co.uk/news-publications/publications/2018/oil-and-gas-authority-overview-september-2018/
Now out of scope of the Notice
OCMs and TCMs for the following fields :
- Field Developments
- Vorlich (BP)
- Fram (Shell)
- Producing Fields
- Boulton (ConocoPhillips)
- Boulton H (ConocoPhillips)
- Kelvin (ConocoPhillips)
- McAdam (ConocoPhillips)
- Mimas (ConocoPhillips)
- Munro (ConocoPhillips)
- Murdoch (ConocoPhillips)
- Murdoch K (ConocoPhillips)
- Saturn (Spirit Energy)
- Atlas (ConocoPhillips)
- Hyperion (ConocoPhillips)
- Rhea (ConocoPhillips)
- Schooner (Faroe Petroleum)
- Tethys (ConocoPhillips)
- Valiant North and South (ConocoPhillips)
- Clipper South (Ineos)
- Ketch (Faroe Petroleum)
- Erskine (Chevron)
- Lomond (Chrysaor)
- Meetings between the owner of Theddlethorpe Gas Terminal and more than one user of the terminal are now out of scope of the Notice.
Now in scope of the Notice
OCMs and TCMs for the following fields :
- Field Developments
- Calder/Rivers phase 2 (ConocoPhillips)
- Clair (BP)
- Pegasus (Spirit Energy)
- Culzean (Total)
- Platypus (Dana)
- Verbier (Equinor)
- Producing Fields
- Babbage (Premier)
- Bruce (BP / Serica)
- Clipper North (Shell)
- Cygnus (Neptune E&P)
- Judy (‘J’ Block) (ConocoPhillips)
- Loyal (BP)
- Rhum (BP / Serica)
- Schiehallion (BP)
- Shearwater (Shell)
- Meetings between one or more owner of Bacton Terminals (Perenco Bacton Terminal and Shell Bacton Terminal) and one or more of its or their shippers are now included in the scope of the Notice.
- Meetings between any or all of the owners of Cheviot and Lancaster fields and the owner(s) of any upstream petroleum infrastructure or persons planning upstream petroleum infrastructure are now included in the scope of the Notice.
- Minor drafting changes have been made to increase clarity.