The outputs of decommissioning workshops arranged by Task Groups that report to the Decommissioning MER UK Task Force are detailed below and more information is available on our website. These support the overall goal of the Task Force, to ‘Minimise the cost of decommissioning in an appropriate manner with a focus on delivering what would otherwise not be delivered by industry.’
- Delivery Capability Theme - Contracting and Execution Model Workshops
- Decommissioning Scope and Practice - Southern North Sea (SNS): Subsea
Delivery Capability –Delivery Capability has been identified as a priority area in seeking to deliver a 35% saving on a baseline estimated cost of decommissioning. The workshops identified a range of execution and business models from ‘business as usual’ to more radical concepts, which could be applied to one or more elements of the decommissioning scope.
Decommissioning Scope and Practice - the workshops explored the scope and practices of several SNS Operators with subsea aspects of decommissioning