On 16 November 2016, the new OGA Asset Stewardship Survey was launched which is a key component of the OGA’s Asset Stewardship Strategy.
The new Asset Stewardship Survey replaces and integrates up to 9 previous surveys which were issued either by the OGA, the OGA with Oil & Gas UK or Oil & Gas UK on their own. This new survey will streamline the way data is gathered and analysed into a more efficient format; reducing complexity, time, effort and burden on operators, licence holders and the OGA.
The survey will be used to inform OGA asset stewardship reviews with operators and provide meaningful insights into current and forecast activity in the UKCS. It will also facilitate robust economic modelling of UKCS fields and hubs, and help build regional strategies and area plans. The OGA will also use the survey for benchmarking and issue of a number of reports which will provide valuable insights for industry.
Over 20 OGA subject matter experts have worked with Oil & Gas UK and industry for the last 6 months to deliver the survey which will cover the whole asset lifecycle from licensing to decommissioning.
The survey will close on 17 February 2017.