Delivery Programme
Information Management Delivery Programme
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The Information Management (IM) Strategy, published separately, sets out a high level overview of the OGA’s ambition to create an environment, over the next five years, in which access to comprehensive, good quality information and data accelerate the efforts to maximise industry value and recovery from the UKCS.
This IM Delivery Programme builds on the Strategy and describes in more detail how and when it will be delivered.
The Strategy and Delivery Programme are focused on delivering on six key themes:
- Data regulation
- Data management authority and collaborative working
- Unified data store
- Analysis, insight and understanding
- Enhanced operational data management
- Data quality management
This IM Delivery Programme covers the medium to long term period from 2016-2020 and describes the actions, objectives, inputs, mid-level activities, responsibilities, deliverables and timeline for each of these six themes.
The initial focus on the six themes will ensure that the OGA and industry build the required capability to ensure effective and efficient information management, stewardship and compliance.