Disclosure of certain Geophysical Survey Data (created or acquired under an Exploration Licence pre-2018)
Update on consultation response – 14th September 2020
The OGA has conducted a consultation on its proposed supplemental guidance on the disclosure of certain geophysical survey data created or acquired under an exploration licence. Two guidance documents were the subject of the consultation: one addressing disclosure of such data created or acquired pre-2018, and the other in respect of such data created or acquired post-2017. The guidance documents supplement the OGA’s published ‘Reporting and disclosure of Information and Samples Guidance’.
The consultation period for the supplemental guidance closed for comments on April 27th 2019. A total of 13 responses were received from production licensees, exploration licensees and industry associations/trade bodies.
The responses indicate there is general acceptance of the OGA’s proposal and guidance for the disclosure of certain geophysical data that was created or acquired post-2017.
On the proposed pre-2018 disclosure guidance (relating to ‘legacy’ data), a spectrum of views were expressed, and a number of helpful comments and suggestions received.
Following careful consideration, the OGA has now published its response to the consultation along with supplemental guidance for the disclosure of certain Geophysical Survey Data (created or acquired under an Exploration Licence pre-2018).
Original Consultation message
Disclosure of certain Geophysical Survey Data (created or acquired under an Exploration Licence pre-2018)The OGA has recognised the role that good availability of Geophysical Survey Data can play in unlocking value in the UKCS (it has itself acquired and released seismic datasets in 2016 and 2017), yet understands that in most instances the Geophysical Survey Data obtained under Exploration Licences is generally made available on commercial terms. As a result, throughout the process of drafting the guidance, the OGA has engaged with a number of exploration licensees, both through the International Association of Geophysical Contractors (IAGC) and with a small group of production licensees.
That engagement, including around 25 meetings in the past two years and numerous versions of the draft guidance, has informed the approach set out in the proposed guidance.
This consultation is to seek industry views on the supplemental disclosure guidance for Geophysical Survey Data acquired through an Exploration Licence before 2018 and its subsequent availability to industry (‘Supplemental Pre-2018 Guidance’).
A 30-day consultation period opens on 27 March 2019. OGA welcomes industry views on the disclosure guidance. The timetable for this consultation process is
- 27 March 2019 – Consultation period starts
- 27 April 2019 – End of Consultation period
- 27 May 2019 – OGA present written responses to the feedback