The finalists for this year’s MER UK Awards have been named.
The winners will be announced at Oil & Gas UK’s 10th anniversary annual awards ceremony at the Aberdeen Exhibition and Conference Centre on Thursday 3 November. This award is presented to companies/individuals whose co-operative approach and positive behaviours have helped maximise the economic recovery of oil and gas from the UKCS.
Chief Executive of the OGA, Andy Samuel, said: “I was very impressed with the high quality of the nominations received. This made judging them very difficult, but it’s really pleasing to see so many companies working collaboratively and creatively to the principles of MER UK. There are some great success stories from all of the entrants – not just the finalists – which should be widely shared throughout industry. I look forward to announcing the winners on the 3rd of November.”
The finalists are:
- ConocoPhillips (U.K) Limited and Partners – South Wye Project
- Apache North Sea – Redevelopment of the Forties Field
- CATS Management Limited – The Central Area Transmission System (CATS)
- BP and Partners (Shell, Esso, JX Nippon, Zennor) - ETAP Area
All the nominations will be featured on our website shortly.