The following is the general approach the NSTA will normally take on consulting (including on guidance):
- Where there is a statutory duty or other legal expectation on the NSTA to consult, the NSTA will hold a formal consultation*.
- Where the NSTA is to issue a formal consultation, the NSTA may hold an informal consultation/road-testing** before doing so.
- Otherwise, where the NSTA intends to either change or clarify its processes through guidance or other means; or input into legislative proposals, the NSTA may hold an informal consultation/road-testing** before doing so, depending on the impact of the change or input.
* Formal consultation: with a document published on the NSTA’s website. The NSTA will aim for a minimum of 4 weeks wherever possible, and longer if appropriate
**Informal consultation/road-testing: to check for unintended consequences, factual accuracies and/or clarity of the guidance or proposal, normally via the North Sea Transition Steering Group or a North Sea Transition Taskforce.