Record and sample requirements for onshore surveys and wells
PON 9b sets out the NSTA’s specific requirements and licensee reporting obligations with regard onshore well and seismic data which must be supplied to the British Geologic Survey (BGS) and the UK Onshore Geophysical Library (UKOGL). The notice applies to all onshore geophysical surveys and all exploration, appraisal and development wells in onshore areas. It also includes the information which must be reported to NSTA for release after hydraulic fracturing.
It does not include notices covered elsewhere, including:
- Application for consent to drill wells, abandon or temporarily abandon, complete and/or workover a well (WONS)
- Extended well test and Hydraulic Fracture Plan consent which can be viewed in our onshore pages
- NSTA well numbering system (PON 12)
- Notification of geophysical surveys (PON 14b)
- Reporting of petroleum production (PPRS)