Access the NSTA's data downloads

Offshore oil and gas activity

This mapping application helps the public understand UK continental shelf oil and gas, and carbon capture usage and storage activity. It includes, seismic lines, licences, wells, round awards, fields, infrastructure and more.


PDF Maps

Locate quadrants and download PDF maps containing oil and gas activity data at different scales (quadrant, regional, and UKCS).

2023 Onshore And Offshore Licence Map2

Carbon storage

NSTA data and maps related to UK carbon dioxide storage.


UKCS Lease Agreements

The UKCS Lease Agreements app provides information about all energy leasing on the UK continental shelf. It shows offshore renewable lease agreed areas by The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland, as well as petroleum licences, fields and infrastructure, all in one place.


Onshore oil and gas activity

View oil and gas data for onshore England. The application includes information on onshore licences, wells, fields, field determinations, shale prospective areas and more.

2023 Onshore And Offshore Licence Map2

Offshore oil and gas activity

This mapping application helps the public understand UK continental shelf oil and gas, and carbon capture usage and storage activity. It includes, seismic lines, licences, wells, round awards, fields, infrastructure and more.


UKCS Lease Agreements

The UKCS Lease Agreements app provides information about all energy leasing on the UK continental shelf. It shows offshore renewable lease agreed areas by The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland, as well as petroleum licences, fields and infrastructure, all in one place.


UKCS Lease Agreements

The UKCS Lease Agreements app provides information about all energy leasing on the UK continental shelf. It shows offshore renewable lease agreed areas by The Crown Estate and Crown Estate Scotland, as well as petroleum licences, fields and infrastructure, all in one place.


NSTA virtual map gallery tour

Take a look at some of our most popular and newest maps; and get some hint and tips on how to use them.

Ukcs Map