Role Title

Personal Information

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Skills and Experience

Please comment on your relevant skills, qualifications and experience relating to the job description, main duties of the post and essential/desirable criteria. Please comment on any particular areas where you do not meet the minimum criteria listed
Please provide examples in each of the sections below that demonstrate your skills and abilities against the specified competencies and specialist skills. The maximum word count for each competence is 2,000 characters and you should use the STAR methodology (Situation, Task, Action and Result). Only completed applications will be considered. More information on the STAR methodology can be found in the what to expect section of our careers page.

About the vacancy

Guaranteed Interview Scheme

We are committed to providing equal opportunities for all candidates during the selection process, to enable us to select staff from a diverse pool of talent. Part of that commitment is that we guarantee an interview to any candidate who has a disability, as defined by the Equality Act 2010*, and declares their disability in their application, provided that they meet the minimum (essential eligibility) criteria for the post(s) in question, as set out in the job advertisement. Do you consider yourself to have a disability as defined in the Equality Act 2010 and wish to claim a guaranteed interview?


You should satisfy yourself that you are eligible before you apply. If you are successful at interview a complete eligibility enquiry will be made. If you are uncertain about any aspect of your eligibility, please contact us. If you give any information that you know is false, or you withhold any relevant information, this may lead to your application being rejected, or, if you have already been appointed, your dismissal.

I declare that the information I have given is, to the best of my knowledge and belief, true and complete.

General Data Protection Regulations:

Any personal data, supplied with this application, will be reviewed by interview panel members for selection purposes, and may be retained for auditing purposes. Should you be selected, the data will form part of your personnel file. Please note that equality and diversity monitoring data is anonymous and is not shared with panel members or third parties. This data is highly restricted, held securely and individuals are not identifiable.

To progress this application we may need to disclose the information we receive from you to others, (including other public bodies, other central government departments, or our authorised agents). Information (including personal data) may also be released on request, but will only be released if permitted by law.


Inclusion and Diversity statement

The NSTA is committed to embedding equality and diversity into all our policies and processes. We will aim to recruit, retain and promote staff on the basis of competence and regardless of characteristics including those listed under the Equality Act 2010. These protected characteristics are; age, disability, gender reassignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.

The NSTA is an accredited Disability Confident Committed employer. We have also been awarded silver accreditation for the Gender Diversity Benchmark through Business in the Community, The Prince’s Responsible Business Network.  In addition, we are signed up to their Race at Work Charter and implement its five principles. As a further commitment to attracting, retaining and developing a diverse workforce we have signed up to the Axis Pledge.

  • Race At Work Logo
  • Axis Logo
  • Disability Confident Logo