We work with government, industry and other regulators to accelerate the move to net zero while meeting the UK’s energy demand and security. 

Collaboration between the oil and gas industry and renewables – such as hydrogen and carbon capture and storage (CCS) - can accelerate the energy transition. 

Oil and gas infrastructure and capabilities can be repurposed for CCS, and to support renewable energy production and hydrogen generation, transportation and storage. 

The true potential of the North Sea is as an integrated energy basin, delivered through an alignment on the planning, technological and regulatory landscape between the different energy sectors.  

The North Sea Transition Authority has a major role in realising this vision. We aim to be the integrating force on the UKCS, while remaining focused on helping deliver domestic energy security, driving down production emissions and accelerating the transition to net zero.  

Oil and gas meets three quarters of UK energy needs, and even as demand declines, the UK is projected to remain a net importer out to 2050 - and imported LNG has nearly four times the carbon footprint of domestically produced gas

The 33rd oil and gas licensing round has offered licences for new blocks, nonetheless overall production will continue to decline even with new fields. 

But new developments, as well as being cleaner, will keep the import gap stable while anchoring the capital and skills needed for the transition in the UK. There is now real momentum behind CCS – a necessity for the UK to reach net zero.  

We are playing our part and recently awarded 21 new licences for carbon storage. The UK has enough storage capacity to meet centuries of domestic demand. The ‘export’ potential is clear. Industry needs to accelerate its efforts to decarbonise production.  

The Energy Integration Project studied how different offshore energy systems (oil and gas, renewables, hydrogen and carbon capture and storage) could be co-ordinated across the UK Continental Shelf  for environmental and efficiency gains, including identifying technical, regulatory and economic hurdles. 

The findings were remarkable: Integration has the potential to make a meaningful impact, with a possible 30% contribution from the UKCS towards the country’s overall net zero target, primarily through carbon capture and storage (CCS), and through CCS plus hydrogen. 

Adding offshore renewables (wind, wave and tidal) could take that up to 60% of the abatement required in 2050; demonstrating that the UKCS is a critical energy resource. We’re working with other regulators, government and industry to ensure this potential is delivered at pace as part of the energy transition.