The NSTA has day-to-day operational independence from The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and undertakes its activities in accordance with all applicable laws and regulations and the Strategy.
A Framework Document sets out the relationship between the NSTA and Government. This relationship is summarised below:
The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero:
- Sets the overall policy and legislative framework within which the NSTA operates.
- Is ultimately responsible to Parliament for the NSTA.
- Must agree to any extension of the NSTA’s remit; any material deviation from the NSTA’s Corporate Plan; any changes to the Strategy; and any decision to impose financial sanctions in excess of £1m.
The DESNZ Permanent Secretary, as Principal Accounting Officer:
- Is accountable to Parliament for any grant funding of the NSTA and advises the Minister in charge on the appropriate objectives, budget and strategic objectives for the NSTA.
- Is responsible for ensuring that DESNZ monitors the NSTA’s activities and delivers value for money. Designates the NSTA Chief Executive as Accounting Officer.
- Has established a shareholder team to support the Secretary of State and the Principal Accounting Officer to fulfil their responsibilities with regard to the NSTA.
- Will consult and collaborate closely with the NSTA before transferring any additional functions to the NSTA.
The NSTA Board of Directors:
- Is responsible for providing clear strategic direction for the NSTA.
- Is accountable to the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero.
- Must act in accordance with Company Law and the Code of Conduct for Board Members of Public Bodies.
- Provides assurance on the effectiveness of internal controls and risk management.
The NSTA Chief Executive:
- Is accountable to the NSTA Board of Directors for delivering the NSTA’s objectives, plans and strategies.
- As Accounting Officer, is accountable to the Principal Accounting Officer of the The Department for Energy Security and Net Zero and to Parliament for the NSTA delivering value for money for the Exchequer, in accordance with Managing Public Money guidance.
Reporting arrangements
- A DESNZ Director represents the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero the NSTA’s sole shareholder, on the NSTA Board as a full Board member.
- The NSTA provides monthly updates on its performance to the DESNZ shareholder in papers provided to the NSTA Board.
- Delegated authorities are formally agreed and recorded annually.
- The NSTA will produce an Annual Report and Accounts to be approved by the NSTA Board of Directors and the Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero
Relationships with other organisations
The NSTA will work collaboratively with Government and industry to deliver its principal objective. Below you can view a number of Memoranda of Understandings (MOUs) or Service Level Agreement (SLAs) agreed with government or other public bodies.
Memorandum of Understanding between the Oil and Gas Authority and the Health and Safety Executive Updated Jan 2023 PDF - 139kb
Memorandum of Understanding between the Oil and Gas Authority and HM Courts & Tribunal Service PDF - 470kb
Memorandum of Understanding between the Scottish Government, BEIS and the OGA setting out the arrangements for onshore licensing issues PDF - 176kb
MoU between the Welsh Government, BEIS and the OGA setting out the arrangements for onshore licensing issues PDF - 561kb
Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between The Office of Gas and Electricity Markets and The North Sea Transition Authority on effective collaboration in regulating Carbon Capture and Storage (CCS) Transport and Storage projects PDF - 194kb
TCE and NSTA Statement of Intent October 2024 PDF - 111kb